:Base photohse.hlp>main 1 Welcome to Corel Photo House 2 Overview: Welcome to Corel Photo House=Overview Welcome to Corel Photo House>main 2 Overview: About Corel Corporation=Overview About Corel Corporation>main 2 Using Corel Photo House documentation 3 Overview: Using Corel Photo House documentation=Overview Using Corel Photo House documentation>main 3 Overview: Documentation conventions=Overview Documentation conventions>main 3 Using online Help=Using online Help>proc4 3 Printing Help=Printing Help>proc4 3 Accessing context-sensitive Help=Accessing contextsensitive Help>proc4 2 Exploring the Corel Photo House desktop 3 Overview: Exploring the Corel Photo House desktop=Overview Exploring the Corel Photo House desktop>main 3 Overview: The Color Palette=Overview The Color Palette>main 3 Overview: The Status Bar=Overview The Status Bar>main 3 Overview: The Standard toolbar=Overview The Standard toolbar>main 3 Overview: The Toolbox=Overview The Toolbox>main 3 The Notebook 4 Overview: The Notebook=Overview The Notebook>main 4 Docking and hiding the Notebook=Docking and hiding the Notebook>proc4 4 Overview: Notebook navigation buttons=Overview Notebook navigation buttons>main 4 Overview: The Guides page=Overview The Guides page>main 4 Overview: The Effects page=Overview The Effects page>main 4 Overview: The Catalog page=Overview The Catalog page>main 3 Controlling the Corel Photo House environment 4 Overview: Controlling the Corel Photo House environment=Overview Controlling the Corel Photo House environment>main 4 Hiding or displaying desktop features=Hiding or displaying desktop features>proc4 4 Adding, deleting, and editing Internet links=Adding deleting and editing Internet links>proc4 4 Rearranging commands in the Internet Links submenu=Rearranging commands in the Internet Links submenu>proc4 1 Getting Started 2 Overview: Getting Started=Overview Getting Started>main 2 Creating an image 3 Overview: Creating an image=Overview Creating an image>main 3 Creating a new image=Creating a new image>proc4 2 Opening existing images 3 Overview: Opening existing images=Overview Opening existing images>main 3 Opening existing images=Opening existing images>proc4 3 Changing images upon opening 4 Overview: Changing images upon opening=Overview Changing images upon opening>main 4 Cropping images upon opening=Cropping images upon opening>proc4 4 Reducing image size upon opening=Reducing image size upon opening>proc4 4 Changing the image resolution on opening=Changing the image resolution on opening>proc4 3 Opening Kodak CD images 4 Overview: Opening Kodak CD images=Overview Opening Kodak CD images>main 4 Opening CD images=Opening CD images>proc4 4 Applying Gamut CD color correction to an image=Applying Gamut CD color correction to an image>proc4 4 Applying Kodak color correction to an image=Applying Kodak color correction to an image>proc4 4 Adjusting the properties of a Kodak FlashPix image=Adjusting the properties of a Kodak FlashPix image>proc4 3 Scanning images 4 Overview: Scanning images=Overview Scanning images>main 4 Overview: Improving image quality when scanning=Overview Improving image quality when scanning>main 4 Overview: Customizing an image=Overview Customizing an image>main 4 Overview: Selecting a resolution=Overview Selecting a resolution>main 4 Overview: Selecting an original=Overview Selecting an original>main 4 Overview: Selecting a color depth=Overview Selecting a color depth>main 4 Scanning images into Corel Photo House=Scanning images into Corel Photo House>proc4 3 Acquiring an image from a digital camera 4 Overview: Acquiring an image from a digital camera=Overview Acquiring an image from a digital camera>main 4 Acquiring an image from a digital camera=Acquiring an image from a digital camera>proc4 2 Using Corel Photo House with Corel Print Office 3 Overview: Using Corel Photo House with Corel Print Office=Overview Using Corel Photo House with Corel Print Office>main 3 Starting Corel Photo House from within Corel Print Office=Starting Corel Photo House from within Corel Print Office>proc4 3 Updating a Corel Print Office project from Corel Photo House=Updating a Corel Print Office project from Corel Photo House>proc4 2 Viewing your work 3 Overview: Viewing your work=Overview Viewing your work>main 3 Changing your view using the Zoom tool=Changing your view using the Zoom tool>proc4 3 Changing your view using the View menu=Changing your view using the View menu>proc4 2 Saving, closing, and exiting 3 Overview: Saving, closing, and exiting=Overview Saving closing and exiting>main 3 Overview: Corel Photo House and OLE=Overview Corel Photo House and OLE>main 3 Embedding OLE objects=Embedding OLE objects>proc4 3 Saving an image=Saving an image>proc4 3 Restoring the last-saved version of your image=Restoring the lastsaved version of your image>proc4 3 Closing a file=Closing a file>proc4 3 Exiting Corel Photo House=Exiting Corel Photo House>proc4 2 Viewing image information 3 Overview: Viewing image information=Overview Viewing image information>main 3 Overview: Image size and resolution=Overview Image size and resolution>main 3 Checking image properties=Checking image properties>proc4 3 Giving an image a transparent background=Giving an image a transparent background>proc4 3 Overview: Converting images to other color modes=Overview Converting images to other color modes>main 3 Changing color mode=Changing color mode>proc4 1 Customizing your image 2 Overview: Customizing your image=Overview Customizing your image>main 2 Adding Catalog images 3 Overview: Adding Catalog images=Overview Adding Catalog images>main 3 Opening photos from the Catalog=Opening photos from the Catalog>proc4 3 Adding objects to your image=Adding objects to your image>proc4 3 Adding frames to your image=Adding frames to your image>proc4 2 Painting and filling 3 Overview: Painting and filling=Overview Painting and filling>main 3 Using the painting tools 4 Overview: Using the painting tools=Overview Using the painting tools>main 4 Overview: Choosing paint and paper colors=Overview Choosing paint and paper colors>main 4 Choosing a paint color=Choosing a paint color>proc4 4 Choosing a paper color=Choosing a paper color>proc4 4 Selecting or customizing nibs=Selecting or customizing nibs>proc4 4 Using the Brush, Eraser, or Spray tool=Using the Brush Eraser or Spray tool>proc4 4 Using the Image Sprayer tool=Using the Image Sprayer tool>proc4 4 Cloning areas of an image=Cloning areas of an image>proc4 3 Using the Flood Fill tool 4 Overview: Using the Flood Fill tool=Overview Using the Flood Fill tool>main 4 Filling part of an image with the paint color=Filling part of an image with the paint color>proc4 2 Adding text to your image 3 Overview: Adding text to your image=Overview Adding text to your image>main 3 Using the Text tool to add text=Using the Text tool to add text>proc4 3 Changing the font=Changing the font>proc4 3 Changing the font size and style=Changing the font size and style>proc4 3 Specifying line spacing=Specifying line spacing>proc4 3 Changing text alignment=Changing text alignment>proc4 3 Rotating, skewing, and moving text=Rotating skewing and moving text>proc4 3 Sizing and stretching text=Sizing and stretching text>proc4 2 Working with selections 3 Overview: Working with selections=Overview Working with selections>main 3 Selecting part of your image=Selecting part of your image>proc4 3 Merging a selection with your image=Merging a selection with your image>proc4 3 Sizing, stretching, or rotating a selection=Sizing stretching or rotating a selection>proc4 3 Applying effects to a selection=Applying effects to a selection>proc4 3 Moving a selection=Moving a selection>proc4 3 Feathering pixels around a selection=Feathering pixels around a selection>proc4 2 Editing images 3 Overview: Editing images=Overview Editing images>main 3 Using the Clipboard=Using the Clipboard>proc4 3 Undoing the last operation=Undoing the last operation>proc4 3 Erasing areas of an image=Erasing areas of an image>proc4 2 Changing the content of photos 3 Overview: Changing the content of photos=Overview Changing the content of photos>main 3 Adding an object or a person to a photo=Adding an object or a person to a photo>proc4 3 Changing a person's appearance in a photo=Changing a persons appearance in a photo>proc4 3 Removing unwanted background items from an image=Removing unwanted background items from an image>proc4 3 Hand-coloring photos=Handcoloring photos>proc4 2 Changing image orientation 3 Overview: Changing image orientation=Overview Changing image orientation>main 3 Rotating images=Rotating images>proc4 3 Flipping an image=Flipping an image>proc4 2 Cropping, resizing, and resampling images 3 Overview: Cropping, resizing, and resampling images=Overview Cropping resizing and resampling images>main 3 Cropping an image=Cropping an image>proc4 3 Resizing an image=Resizing an image>proc4 3 Changing the resolution of an image=Changing the resolution of an image>proc4 1 Applying effects to your image 2 Overview: Applying effects to your image=Overview Applying effects to your image>main 2 Overview: Photo retouching guide=Overview Photo retouching guide>main 2 Using Plug-In effects 3 Overview: Using Plug-In effects=Overview Using PlugIn effects>main 3 Applying a plug-in effect to your image=Applying a plugin effect to your image>proc4 3 Installing or removing plug-in effects=Installing or removing plugin effects>proc4 2 Using Touch-Up effects 3 Overview: Using Touch-Up effects=Overview Using TouchUp effects>main 3 Applying the Repair Red Eye effect=Applying the Repair Red Eye effect>proc4 3 Applying the Reduce Speckles effect=Applying the Reduce Speckles effect>proc4 3 Applying the Restore Image effect=Applying the Restore Image effect>proc4 3 Applying the Deskew effect=Applying the Deskew effect>proc4 3 Applying the Brightness/Contrast effect=Applying the BrightnessContrast effect>proc4 3 Applying the Replace Colors effect=Applying the Replace Colors effect>proc4 3 Applying the Sharpen effect=Applying the Sharpen effect>proc4 2 Using Special effects 3 Overview: Using Special effects=Overview Using Special effects>main 3 Using Fun effects 4 Overview: Using Fun effects=Overview Using Fun effects>main 4 Applying the Pinch/Punch effect=Applying the PinchPunch effect>proc4 4 Applying the Puzzle effect=Applying the Puzzle effect>proc4 4 Applying the Simplify Colors effect=Applying the Simplify Colors effect>proc4 4 Applying the Soften Edges effect=Applying the Soften Edges effect>proc4 4 Applying the Warp effect=Applying the Warp effect>proc4 3 Using Cool effects 4 Overview: Using Cool effects=Overview Using Cool effects>main 4 Applying the Lens Refraction effect=Applying the Lens Refraction effect>proc4 4 Applying the Flip Colors effect=Applying the Flip Colors effect>proc4 4 Applying the Page Curl effect=Applying the Page Curl effect>proc4 4 Applying the Photo Negative effect=Applying the Photo Negative effect>proc4 3 Using Artistic effects 4 Overview: Using Artistic effects=Overview Using Artistic effects>main 4 Applying the Emboss effect=Applying the Emboss effect>proc4 4 Applying the Impressionist effect=Applying the Impressionist effect>proc4 4 Applying the Psychedelic effect=Applying the Psychedelic effect>proc4 4 Applying the Sketch effect=Applying the Sketch effect>proc4 4 Applying the Texture effect=Applying the Texture effect>proc4 4 Applying the Vignette effect=Applying the Vignette effect>proc4 3 Using Distortion effects 4 Overview: Using Distortion effects=Overview Using Distortion effects>main 4 Applying the Crystallize effect=Applying the Crystallize effect>proc4 4 Applying the Ripple effect=Applying the Ripple effect>proc4 4 Applying the Swirl effect=Applying the Swirl effect>proc4 4 Applying the Wet Paint effect=Applying the Wet Paint effect>proc4 4 Applying the Whirlpool effect=Applying the Whirlpool effect>proc4 3 Using Blur effects 4 Overview: Using Blur effects=Overview Using Blur effects>main 4 Applying the Blur effect=Applying the Blur effect>proc4 4 Applying the Motion Blur effect=Applying the Motion Blur effect>proc4 4 Applying the Wind Swept effect=Applying the Wind Swept effect>proc4 1 Printing your work 2 Overview: Printing your work=Overview Printing your work>main 2 Overview: Troubleshooting printing problems=Overview Troubleshooting printing problems>main 2 Printing your work=Printing your work>proc4 2 Setting print options=Setting print options>proc4 1 Reference information 2 Overview: Reference information=Overview Reference information>main 2 Menu commands 3 Overview: Menu commands=Overview Menu commands>main 3 Overview: File menu=Overview File menu>main 3 Overview: Edit menu=Overview Edit menu>main 3 Overview: View menu=Overview View menu>main 3 Overview: Image menu=Overview Image menu>main 3 Overview: Effects menu=Overview Effects menu>main 3 Overview: Window menu=Overview Window menu>main 3 Overview: Help menu=Overview Help menu>main 2 Opening and saving file formats 3 Overview: Opening and saving file formats=Overview Opening and saving file formats>main 3 Opened image file formats 4 Overview: Opened image file formats=Overview Opened image file formats>main 3 Saved image file formats 4 Overview: Saved image file formats=Overview Saved image file formats>main 4 Overview: Adobe Photoshop (PSD)=Overview Adobe Photoshop PSD>main 4 Overview: CompuServe Bitmap (GIF)=Overview CompuServe Bitmap GIF>main 4 Overview: Corel Compressed Exchange (CCX)=Overview Corel Compressed Exchange CCX>main 4 Overview: Corel PHOTO-PAINT 6 (CPT)=Overview Corel PHOTOPAINT 6 CPT>main 4 Overview: Corel PHOTO-PAINT 7 (CPT)=Overview Corel PHOTOPAINT 7 CPT>main 4 Overview: Corel Presentation Exchange (CMX)=Overview Corel Presentation Exchange CMX>main 4 Overview: Corel WordPerfect Graphic (WPG)=Overview Corel WordPerfect Graphic WPG>main 4 Overview: Enhanced Windows Metafile (EMF)=Overview Enhanced Windows Metafile EMF>main 4 Overview: JPEG Bitmap (JPG)=Overview JPEG Bitmap JPG>main 4 Overview: Kodak FlashPix Image (FPX)=Overview Kodak FlashPix Image FPX>main 4 Overview: Kodak Photo CD Image (PCD)=Overview Kodak Photo CD Image PCD>main 4 Overview: PaintBrush (PCX)=Overview PaintBrush PCX>main 4 Overview: Portable Network Graphics (PNG)=Overview Portable Network Graphics PNG>main 4 Overview: TIFF Bitmap (TIF)=Overview TIFF Bitmap TIF>main 4 Overview: Wavelet Compressed Bitmap (WI)=Overview Wavelet Compressed Bitmap WI>main 4 Overview: Windows Bitmap (BMP)=Overview Windows Bitmap BMP>main 4 Overview: Windows Metafile (WMF)=Overview Windows Metafile WMF>main 2 Glossary 3 Corel Photo House Glossary=Photo House Glossary Index 2 Shortcuts 3 Overview: Shortcuts=Overview Shortcuts>main 3 Overview: Menu command shortcut keys=Overview Menu command shortcut keys>main 2 Year 2000 3 Overview: Year 2000=Overview Year 2000>main